2011-01-16 - SCGT with Jennifer


6+ miles @ ~14.4 min/mi

Jennifer Weiland crushed me at the Northern Central Trail Marathon, but before she shot ahead to a sub-4 hour result we chatted and resolved to run together some day. This morning I pick her up at her King Farm home at 0600 and we ride to the MD-355 crossing of the Seneca Creek Greenway Trail, a few miles from her home, new terrain to her. We dance ~2.7 miles over icy patches upstream to Watkins Mill Rd, thankfully without a fall. As the sun rises we return, with pauses to stare at deer feeding near the trail and view the scenery from a rocky overlook. We continue then down almost to the I-270 trail underpass before returning to my car. Conversation along the way and afterwards is great: Jennifer and her husband Mike are homeschoolers, and we have many other surprising parallels. Neat!

^z - 2011-01-30